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McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing


When I choose the projects for this book, I tried to find ones that were representative of the different types people wanted to do. While the projects listed here are complete, I hope that you use them as a basis for your own projects and see what you can come up with.

All the applications and code presented in this book are copyright (&cpr;) Myke Predko, 2000. The applications are provided for individual use only and cannot be reproduced for commercial use without my written permission.

Low-End Devices

The low-end PICmicro® microcontrollers are best suited for applications which have the following characteristics:

  1. No Interrupts
  2. No Complex Dialog-Based User I/O
  3. No Complex Hardware Interfaces
  4. Minimal subroutines

The projects listed below show how the low-end PICmicro devices can be built into applications with an emphasis on the PIC12C5XX and PIC12C505 devices with built in reset and clocking.

  • TrainCtl - Model Train Traffic Light Control
  • SLI - Serial LCD Interface
  • Ultra - Ultrasonic Ranging
  • Key - Switch Matrix Keyboard

Mid-Range Devices

The mid-range PICmicro® devices can be used for a wide variety of different applications. This is due to their inclusion of interrupts as well as the wide range of peripherals built into them.

  • Clock - Analog Clock
  • XMAS - Christmas Decoration with Lights and Music
  • FanCtrl - Simple Fan Speed Controller
  • IRTank - TV Remote-Control Robot
  • IRBetter - Addendum to the TV Remote-Control Robot
  • Thermo - Digital Thermometer using Seven-Segment LED Displays
  • MaryaToy - Child's toy using Fifteen-Segment LED Displays
  • MaryaBas - Enhancement to "MarayToy" using PicBasic
  • EMail - PICmicro MCU Internet email application
  • PCTherm - Remote Temperature Sensor connected to a PC
  • Servo - Servo Programmer/Controller
  • MIC-II - Single Chip Controller
  • Video - NTSC Video Output

PIC17CXX Devices

The primary differences between the PIC17CXXX devices and the mid-range PICmicro® microcontrollers are the inclusion of an eight by eight single instruction cylce multiply and the ability to interface with external devices. The project shown here is a simple application test tool which shows how the PIC17CXX can interface to external devices.

PIC18CX2 Devices

I am very excited about the PIC18CXX2 devices and where they are going. This architecture has eliminated many of the "quirks" of the other PICmicro devices and can be programmed without taking banks or pages into consideration. The architecture is designed for applications up to one megabyte in size and can have up to four kilobytes of file registers. The program counter stack is also accessible, which allows the development of Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS), like the one presented in this book.

  • Fuzzy - Fuzzy Logic Motor Controller
  • RTOS1 - Introduction to the PIC18CXXX RTOS
  • RTOS2 - Digital Clock/Thermometer Implemented in the PIC18CXXX RTOS