Download the Free Code for CorelDRAW® 12 The Official Guide

ISBN 0-07-223191-2

If you’ve recently obtained CorelDRAW 12: The Official Guide, congratulations are in order – you’ve chosen wisely and now have access to the most comprehensive source for learning and using CorelDRAW 12. Below, you’ll find links to downloadable resources for use with examples and exercises in the book as well as links to design resources you can use to expand your use of CorelDRAW.

Chapter Resource Files

While working in specific chapters of CorelDRAW 12 The Official Guide, you’ll benefit more from the tutorials by having example files open either for viewing effects, accomplishing tasks, or just to explore a complicated technique. Clicking the links below will enable you to download ZIP compression folder containing the example files organized by chapter…

Chapter 6: Zooming and Viewing
Click this link to download a compressed folder (103 KB) containing the file Saved Views.cdr as an example to use for exploring the features of the View Manager docker.
Chapter 11: Arranging and Organizing Objects
Click this link to download a compressed folder (1,168 KB) containing the files Landscape.cdr and SFO-map.cdr as example files for exploring CorelDRAW 12’s re-engineered Symbols Manager and the Object Manager layer features.
Chapter 17: CorelDRAW’s World of Color
Click this link to download a compressed folder (9 KB) containing the file Color Styles.cdr as example files for exploring CorelDRAW 12’s color styles commands.
Chapter 18: Envelope and Distortion Effects
Click this link to download a compressed folder (31 KB) containing the file Flowers.cdr as an example to explore CorelDRAW 12’s interactive distortion effects.
Chapter 20: Applying Lens and Transparency Effects
Click this link to download a ZIP compression folder (3,545 KB) containing the files Looking Glass.cdr, Gold.cdr, Beveled star.cdr, Brighten.cdr, Color add.cdr, Color limit.cdr, Custom color map.cdr, Invert.cdr, Merge modes.cdr, Transparency.cdr, Tinted Grayscale.cdr, Heat map.cdr, Magnify.cdr, Fish eye.cdr, Wireframe.cdr. You can use these files to explore how the lens effects are applied to illustrations in the color section and how transparency can be used in creating the illusion of realism.
Chapter 22: Drawing and Powerclips
Click this link to download a compressed folder (6 KB) containing the file Clipped eye.cdr as example files for learning CorelDRAW 12’s Powerclip effect features.
Chapter 27: CorelDRAW’s Web Resources
Click this link to download a ZIP compression folder (56 KB) containing the files Rotating Gears.clk, Rotating Gears.swf, Bouncing Ball.clk, Animated text.clk, Drawn path.clk, and Clock.clk. Use these files for exploring and learning how to create basic animations in Corel R.A.V.E. 3.0.
Chapter 29: Adventures with VBA and Scripting
Click this link to download a ZIP compression folder (183 KB) containing the file CorelDRAW12TOG.gms for learning and exploring CorelDRAW 12’s new VBA scripting features using Visual Basic for Applications.