Download Free Code for ASP 3.0: A Beginner's Guide
ISBN: 0-07-212741-4

  • - Contains screen shots of the configuration screens for IIS. Incidentally, your version of Windows 2000 may use the following sequence of choices to select IIS installation components: Start | Settings | Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs, select Add/Remove Windows Components, then select IIS from the list, and finally click the Details button.
  • - Contains a Word document describing a project plan for a web site for a fictional company. It provides the kind of information described in the book in Project 1-2.

  • - Contains an image file named storyboard.jpg that shows a storyboard and a screen shot of Microsoft FrontPage 2000 in Reporting mode, showing the number of files and other statistics about a web site. Both of these may be useful tools in showing the intended structure and contents of a web site you are designing.
  • - Contains the files default.htm and asp1.asp, as described in the book in Project 2-2.

  • - Contains the file default.htm and the file someaction.asp. Together, these files perform the actions shown in Project 3-1.
  • - Contains the files Project3-2.htm and Project3-2.asp, as described in the book in Project 3-2. Note that the ASP file does not produce any output (which will be added in Project 3-3.)
  • - Contains the file Project3-3.asp. It validates the email address (lightly) and returns the values input from Project3-2.htm. Note that the form tag references Project1a.asp, which does not exist, although it would be useful to have such a file ready to receive the contents after validation.
  • - Contains code mentioned throughout Chapter 3, such as default6.htm.

  • - Contains the files errormaker2.asp, Project1a.shtm, Project1b.shtm, Project1c.asp, Project4-1.htm, and Project41.shtm. Note that you should create a folder called AnError under the folder in which these files operate, and put errormaker2.asp inside it. Together, these files perform the actions shown in Project 4-1.
  • - Contains code mentioned throughout Chapter 4, such as errormaker.asp.

  • - Contains the files global.asa, appman.asp, and appman1.asp. Note that to work properly the global.asa file must be inserted into the root folder of the application. Together, these files perform the actions shown in Project 5-1.
  • - Contains the files global.asa (also needs to be inserted into the root folder of the application, replacing any other global.asa file there), shop1.htm, shopman.asp, shopend.asp, and shopper.asp, all of which work together to perform the functions mentioned in Project 5-1.
  • - Contains code mentioned throughout Chapter 5, such as the session function files.

  • - Contains the files global.asa and ServerSystem1.asp. Note that folders named Fs01 and Fs02 should be created to make some of the functions work. Together, these files perform the actions shown in Project 6-1.
  • - Contains code mentioned throughout Chapter 6, such as the coding files.

  • - Contains the files ServerComponents1.asp, AdRotatorTextFile.txt, banner1.gif, banner2.gif, banner3.gif, and RedirectFile.asp. Note that you should create a folder named AdRotator under the folder in which you are running this application, and place in it the AdRotatorTextFile.txt and the banner gifs. You should also create a folder under that called RedirectionFile and place in it the RedirectFile.asp file. Together, these files perform the actions shown in Project 7-1.
  • - Contains the files ServerComponents3.asp and ScannerContent.txt, as well as all the scanner class files. Note that the scanner class files should be placed in a folder (underneath the application folder) called ScannerClass.
  • - Contains the file Detect.asp, which does browser capabilities detection, as well as the other working files. The other files should be placed ina folder (underneath the application folder) called IE5. Note this file is very large, almost 1 MB, so it may take a several minutes to download.
  • - Contains code mentioned throughout Chapter 7, such as the coding files.

  • - Contains the files global.asa and ServerComponents5.asp. Together, these files perform the actions shown in Project 8-1.
  • - Contains the files for Management of counters and the custom upload files. Note that the picutre file flouresence.jpg should be placed in a folder underneath the application folder called Pictures.
  • - Contains code mentioned throughout Chapter 8, such as the ServerComponents6 through 9.

  • - Contains the file OrderEntry.mdb, and this database file has all the examples in it.

  • - Contains the files ADOConnections.asp and, which operate as noted in the book.
  • - Contains the file ADOCommands.asp, which operates as noted in the book.

  • - Contains the file ADORecordsets.asp, which operates as noted in the book. Note that there are some comments in the code in the book which are different, but do not affect the operation of the script.

  • - Contains the files FinancialTransactions.asp, IncludeDisplayTransactions.txt, and MakeTable.asp, which operate as noted in the book. Note that SQL Server must be installed and set up properly for this file set to work.

  • - Contains the files EmailApp.htm and SendMail.asp, which operate as noted in the book.
  • - Contains the all the registration files, including the login, registration, and response files.